The vast majority of dyslexics are visual thinkers, reading not words, but the visual meaning (picture) of words. Dyslexia is the inability of a visual thinker to picture the accurate meaning of a large number of words, in any language.
Imagine a visual meaning of “the, for, of, if, this, or, be, at, to, by…”, 220 in Eng and 170 in Afr. (Remember sight words in grade 1,2?).
These “picture-less” words cause disorientation and close the door to the dyslexic brilliant mind of the dyslexic, by not being able to read with comprehension. Dyslexia is lifelong, but its effect on reading and learning (and living!) can easily be corrected.
After successful completion of the Dyslexia Correction Interventions,  words that previously caused confusion and disorientation when reading,  come alive, one the world of knowledge, start telling visual stories, to be enjoyed for learning, and for fun.
 When the effects of dyslexia on a person’s life are corrected and disorientation is under control (without meds),  the former dyslexic reader have now be given a life-long library membership card (and Google research password!) to access millions of books, articles, all printed texts, even if they are already in digital format.
Contact Dyslexia Correction Intervention Practitioner Jan Viljoen 083 413 1428 and
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

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