The  Dyslexia Correction Interventions -detail

Dyslexia is one of  the main reasons causing difficulty in reading, spelling and writing.

Dyslexia is NOT a disease –

It is not a mental disturbance –

It is not linked to levels of intelligence –

It is genetically “inherited” from parents/grandparents –

It cannot be cured, but the effects of dyslexia can easily be corrected.

Intensive research since the 1980’s has shown that the vast majority of people with dyslexia are visual thinkers.  This means that instead of sounding out letters and syllables of words to recognise, learn and spell words, (as per Phonics) dyslexics rather prefer to see the word in its total and translate the meaning of the word into an accurate mental image. These images are stored in the imagination. There are around 200 (mostly abstract) words in any language that do exist in the dyslexic person’s speaking and listening vocabulary, but DOES NOT give the dyslexic reader a meaningful mental image.

If an image can’t be called up (as in the case of abstract and sight words or even a new word), the dyslexic reader gets confused and starts to use his/her inborn dyslexic talent to disorientate. In simple terms that means that he/she leaves the real world and enters the alternate world of the imagination and search for visual meaning. If a visual meaningful image/picture can’t be found, the dyslexic reader starts to increase concentration,  and the search for temporary meaning starts: (alphabet song, omitting words, replacing words, “do-it-for-me” .

During our Dyslexia Correction Intervention methods, the student is guided to master  control of this disorientation at will. (Almost like switch on/off imagination) without medication.  Some of the “pictureless” words in English: the, a, but, so, if/ for/some, of, that, being, at… (234 words) and some of the 187 Afrikaans “beeld-lose” woorde: is, wat, omdat, vir, by, as, dit, te, min, let, om, ooit…

The focus of the Dyslexia Correction Interventions is to help the dyslexic person to create his/her own mental pictures for the meaning of words that do not have natural images.  Therefore, the primary tools of the intervention methods are a dictionary and clay. Using the tools, left and right brain are involved. Left-brain: finding and understand the dictionary definition of a word, and right-brain: use creativity to create/design a 3-D clay model of that definition.

Mastering:   To start riding a horse, one can sit in a lecture room and be taught by the best trainer how to ride and handle the huge animal, but finally one has to get on and try oneself. Only then will you be able to master horse riding (probably after a few nasty falls!).   To master a new word, or get the meaning of an abstract word, the dyslexic will use his gift of creativity and create the abstract concept in the real world, see and feel what the word looks and sound like.



Dyslexia ans Math:  Visual-spatial thinkers are often confused by the words and symbols which describe Math functions. When the foundation concepts for all Mathematics concepts (plus/minus/divide/multiply) as well as a list of about 20 typical Math terminology in word sums (add/more/less/each/equal/loss…) are mastered, learning to do Math becomes easy.  We don’t ask the dyslexic client to learn and remember that 9×9=81, we show him WHY it is 81. That is Math mastering.


Like with Dyslexia Correction, the first step to master Math concepts is to enable children and adults to control disorientation. Once students can be sure that their perceptions are accurate, they can resolve any confusion about Math with methods that build upon their creative and imaginative strengths.


The reasons causing reading and writing confusion have to be identified and eliminated cirst before resolving disorientation.

This is necessary before the learner can progress, because otherwise, they will continue to misperceive letters and words. If one word sometimes looks like bat, and at other times looks like tab or pat or tap or tad – there is no hope that the student will ever be able to accurately recognize the word. A parent or teacher might think that the learner has memory problems and encourage drill and repetition, whereas the learner is confused and frustrated because the tutor seems to be showing him different words each time.

Stress release and Energy setting: The client will be shown techniques to reduce concentration stress, resolving tension headaches, and remaining in a relaxed productive and creative state. The client will also be given control over experiences of change (time or speed) and control over their energy levels such as hyper- or hypo-activity.

Resolving Letter Confusion — The Clay Alphabet

From this:

aphabet 1

To this in one day:


All triggers in alphabet letters which may cause disorientations are eliminated by creating the letters of the alphabet in clay.

We use clay because it is a three-dimensional medium and also involves a creative, participatory act and a sense of ownership of the alphabet.  This young lady constantly confused the E and the F with each other, making it very confusing for her to read words containing these letters.  It took less than 10 minutes to permanently eliminate the reasons for the confusion.


Putting Pictures to the Words: Meaning Mastery will be done by sculpting  3-D clay models of the dictionary meaning (definition) of the abstract words.


Models of “two”, “to”, and “too” are from

Model of the most frequently used word in Afrikaans : “die”

Easier Reading:

As picture thinkers, dyslexics are used to look holistically at the word. They find it difficult to sound out letters of a word and most often find it difficult to read the word from left-to-right.  Their struggle to sound out written words leaves them unable to comprehend written material and usually necessitates re-reading the same text numerous times often at the cost of severe stress, and often  headaches. These exercises allow dyslexics a way to quickly, comfortably, and easily learn to visually track, decode, and comprehend written material using their natural abilities.

Have your child ever come home with a report like this one? Does it not leave you as a parent in a state of helplessness and even panic?

evaluation 1

Most people with dyslexia are blessed with a very powerful, active, and unlimited talent: imagination.

Disorientation happens with everybody at times. Orientation is where a person is accurately perceiving the environment, his place in that environment and accurately repositioning himself within that environment.  Disorientation is just the opposite: NOT accurately perceiving the environment, with or without intention.   Disorientation distorts perception.  Distorted perception distorts our sense of reality.  Therefore, disorientation produces a false or alternate reality of a life experience.

For the dyslexic reader encountering words whose meanings cannot be pictured,  will leave the reader with a feeling (or in a state) of confusion.  As he encounters more and more such blank words, confusion intensifies, and disorientation is stimulated.  Now the dyslexic uses his gift of imagination to try and limit the distortions, until the confusions and eventually the disorientations are resolved.

But some disorientations are not short-lived and continue for long periods of time.  This causes the person “being  in” a long-term alternate reality.  In this state  the person misses out on important life lessons, like cause and effect, consequence, time and change.  This alternate reality can serve as a form of self-entertainment, by daydreaming, fantasising, being in a world without boundaries or limits.  The state of disorientation allows the dream to be experienced as reality.  Enter the label of ADD-type symptoms !  Attention Deficit Attention Disorder.

In this imaginary world, nothing permanently exists.  He has no sense of cause and effect, before or after, sequence and order.   He might not even have an accurate concept of self and how he fits in the real world.  He may not even recognise that other people have feelings, needs, desires and rights.

The disoriented dyslexic does not have a shortage or lack of attention!  Also note that ADD does not mean a general lack of attention, it is rather most of time that his very active attention is focusing somewhere else.  You might recognise that although being told by teachers that your child can’t sit still and never give attention, you often have to use hard words to get him away from a video game.

It is also not only words without visual meaning that cause confusions and disorientations – Teaching a subject that do not interest the dyslexic person, or presenting the lecture in a single gadget  boring way, easily causes the “no-interest” behavior.  In most cases it should be described not as a learning disability, but as a teaching disability.  My daughter had a language teacher who believed all die learners in his class are ADD, and they all should be on Ritalin.  The science teacher said he has never encountered any learner with ADD in his class.  Both referred to the same group of learners.   What is the difference?  The one teacher is very dynamic and energetic, involving the learners, using lots of multimedia visual material, demonstrations and enthusiastic tone of voice.  The other teacher has a monotone voice, sits behinds his desk and just read aloud the lessons, not really caring who listen and who not.  (who needs the Ritalin)

Disorientation and distorted perceptions do more than create symptoms of dyslexia. The dyslexic or ADD/ADHD labeled child uses disorientation for entertainment; he may be disoriented for hours on end creating the imaginary world he plays in. The dyslexic child often uses his so-called ADD talent to escape from the reality of his reading and writing disabilities.   Often, when the causes of such ADD/ADHD misnomers are eliminated (i.e. dyslexia corrected) then the ADD/ADHD goes away.


He is 5 Years old and busy recognizing alphabet letters by NAME and NOT  by sounding out.  Dyslexics are not verbal thinkers.  The age old traditional language instruction by way of the phonetic code with its 44 letter sounds (in English) is not functional for the dyslexic learner.  The dyslexic learner thinks with mental visualisation of letters and words and sentences.  The letter sounds do not give him an understandable image of what the letter looks like.  To keep up with the language progress of the non-dyslexics in the class. the dyslexic reader has to relay heavily on repetition, drilling and over-concentration to “remember”.  He will forget, and will carry the label of a sort of memory dysfunction.  We can prevent the dyslexic learner even as young as 5-6 years old to master the alphabet.

Mastery vs Teaching.  The teaching method is that of mastery: Mastery is not reached by rote learning. When someone masters something, it becomes a part of the experience of that person. It becomes part of the individual’s thought and creative process. Mastery is that level of learning where conscious thought is no longer required, (riding bicycle, changing car gears) there is no need to worry about being able to remember it- what has been mastered, is probably impossible to forget.