In a previous blog we talked about the good and the not so good of carrying the label of dyslexia.  For many it’s an insurmountable obstacle leading to serious learning difficulties, if untreated. At the same time it is a manifestation of an incredible talent, a special gift.

Introducing my Dyslexic Hero:

Henry Winkler: an actor, director and  author and inspirational person who has dyslexia and difficulty with math. He’s best known to the older generation for the role of The Fonz which he played in the Tv series Happy Days – the new generation of fans may know him better for co-authoringhenry-hank the best-selling Hank Zipzer children series. (Watch the series on Youtube) Hank is a 12-year-old World’s Greatest Underachiever with a unique perspective on the world.  Henry Winkler was recently made an Honorary Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, or OBE, by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.  for his services to children with dyslexia and special educational needs.


I have encountered in my practice many primary school children with dyslexia, who, often sharing with their parents, are feeling so depressed, anxious, hopeless, frustrated, embarrassed, offended and desperate that they are not in any state to appreciate any Gift of Dyslexia! This is because the more they try to read, the more confused and disoriented they become.  Most of them have been starting every day with a very low self-esteem.  to open up the door to these so-called  dyslexia-related gifts .  But fortunately, in most cases, halfway through the intervention, , the door to their gifts or hidden talents starts to open by itself.  So, what exactly is this gift?

The chicken or the egg, or in spite of, or because of…?

The so-called negative aspect of dyslexia also has a positive side. We find many adult dyslexics are using the positive side of dyslexia (their talent) in their daily work life without realising it.  They just think they have a knack for doing something, without realising that their special talent comes from the same mental functions that prevent them from being able to read, write or spell. It is the same mental function that produces a genius that can also produce those problems. Fortunately, this is easy to correct.

Although having dyslexia won’t make a dyslexic genius, knowing that their minds function precisely like those of famous geniuses would boost the self-esteem of all dyslexics. It’s also critical that kids understand that difficulties with handwriting, coordination, spelling, reading, writing, math, or other language arts do not equate to ingenuity, laziness, or stupidity.

The mental function that causes dyslexia is a gift in the truest sense of the word : it is a natural ability, a talent. It is something special that enhances the individual. Dyslexics don’t all develop the same gifts but they do have certain mental functions in common.

  • Dyslexics think mainly in pictures instead of words, making them highly intuitive and insightful.
  • They can decode up to 30 pictures per second!
  • They can experience thoughts as reality and they have vivid imaginations.
  • They are highly aware of the environment and can use the brain’s ability to alter and create perceptions while problem-solving.

It is crucial that these basic abilities are not being (unintentionally) destroyed or suppressed  by parents or the educational process or even medicine.  (Davis R.D, GIFT OF DYSLEXIA, 2010 p5)

These abilities will result in two characteristics:  the one is higher  than normal  intelligence and the other being extraordinary creative. From these, the true gift of dyslexia can emerge – the gift of mastery!

My adult dyslexic daughter explains:   “during my years in school (before the intervention programme ) I was concentrating so hard to hide my dyslexia and to survive school, that I never  thought of having special  talents.  Now as an adult, I am aware of my  creative skills (I am a graphic and interior designer), I am a holistic thinker and can solve technical and design problems by just looking once at the schematic plans .I have also discovered my comedian talent which comes from my rapid use of words and their pun values.”

lewis_hamilton_2-200x300Sir Lewis Hamilton – Formula One World champion (8 times) was only 30 years old when he let the world know that he is dyslexic. Bullying as a child in school was so bad that Hamilton took karate lessons at the age of five, to provide him with a means of defending himself against his aggressors. Whether it was the bullying in school which drove him forward, a passion for cars, or an innate desire to be a champion despite his dyslexia, Hamilton started racing at a very young age. By the age of six, he was winning remote control car championships against adults as part of the British Radio Car Association. He said that school was tough, but it is his dyslexia that  motivated him to work extra hard. At 13 he was taken into McLaren’s driver development team. Hamilton became the youngest driver to secure a contract resulting in a Formula One drive.

While school was not fun for him, Lewis Hamilton clearly possessed what it takes to “power through” such struggles. He made a champion of himself, rising above the bullying circumstances and dyslexia struggles of his youth. (Source.)

The perceptual talent that is part of  Dyslexia can be described in many ways:

  • Dyslexics are able to see, feel and sense what they are imagining as though it were real; (inventors, engineers, authors)
  • it is the ability to view and interpret the world in creative and innovative ways;  (movie/stage directors, painting artists)
  • And it’s also the ability to shift one’s point in order to create mental images, to make recognition’s and resolve confusions .(Strategists)
  • The speed with which they are observing their environment makes them ideal for the fast sports, like racing, athletics.

When these talents are used in the right context, they enhance:

  • Multi-tasking
  • Accurately judge people
  • Strategic planning
  • Mechanical arts
  • Drama role-playing
  • Movie making
  • Music and dancing
  • Inventing
  • Designing
  • Art
  • Sports and athletics
  • Engineering
  • Storytelling

The Gift of Mastery can develop in many different ways.  For the one,  its physics, (Albert Einstein) the other sport (Jackie Steward, 4-times F1 world champion) Animation (Walt Disney), Spielberg (movies, Jaws! Jurassic Park), Cooking (Jamie Oliver) and for Tom Cruise and Keira Knightly it is acting.

Note that the major ingredient of these gifted talents, is creativity.  Most dyslexics are right brain picture thinkers, they form a picture for each word, each sentence thought of, seen or heard. Unfortunately, a great number of words in any language are abstract and do not link with a picture.  With the Dyslexia Intervention  Methods,  the dyslexic is guided to create such pictures and stop dyslexia to kick in.  We do not alter anything relating to his gifts stemming from dyslexia.

Einstein said :

Imagination is more important than knowledge. 

Knowledge is limited.

Imagination encircles the world.


No matter what program is being used to solve or correct dyslexia, it is very important that under no circumstance any of these perceptual talents be destroyed or suppressed.
Here are a few ways how that can happen – probably quite unintentional. Parent says:

  • You may not go and play rugby until your spelling has improved.
  • You stay at home and study while we go to the movies.  you can go later  when your homework is properly done;
  • You may not play any games until your work has improved.
  • You are grounded and not allowed to go to parties or visit friends.
  • Taking away your cell or tablet or wi-fi…

Until his school work improves!

Many people with dyslexia have discovered their talents after school and much later in their lives.
Whoopi Goldberg was diagnosed with dyslexia but her mum told her she could be anything she wanted to be despite her friends calling her dumb.  Goldberg believed her mum and grew up to be a comedian, talk show host  and actress and became one of only a few people winning  Grammy and Academy Awards and Emmy and the Tony Awards.

Steven Spielberg, legendary film director was only diagnosed with dyslexia until he was in his 60s. School teachers thought he was lazy he was bullied spielbergand teased by his classmates and his trouble in school played the part in his career not only that Making Movies gave him a place to channel is energies but he said that as an adult after find out that he has dyslexia was like the last puzzle piece to a great mystery that he kept to himself.

Swimmer Michael Phelps holds the record for winning the most Olympic
medals. When hmichael-phelpse was a child he was suffering from ADHD. He was very hyperactive and his mother used his love for swimming to help  him focus on his dreams.


Kiera Knightly was diagnosed with dyslexia at age of 6,  She fell in love withkiera acting and to help motivate her to read,  she struck a deal with her parents that if she worked on her reading every day they would agree to hire an agent for her. The Pirates of the Caribbean made good on her half of the bargain because she had to read her scripts every day! She says:  I am a slow reader. I always loved words, which is a strange thing given that I couldn’t actually read them
She soon became one of Hollywood highest earning actresses.
And then the famous  Jamie Oliver, chef, restaurant owner has build an Empire with his best selling cookbooks, primetime TV shows., restaurants and Cookware. He didn’t finish reading his first book until he was 38 years old.

Orlando Bloom;  Hold on to your dreams

All these very successful people – and there are many more – were tested as dyslexic and  they had something that contributed to their worldwide celebrated successes.

It is worthwhile to Google the list of celebrities with DYSLEXIA  and related  ADHD, DYSPRAXIA and DYSGRAPHIA.

For the older learners and even young adults who are worried about their future careers:

Would you like to become a

  • Librarian
  • Author
  • Teacher
  • Architect
  • Engineer
  • Lawyer
  • Billionaire
  • Designer
  • Race river
  • Inventor …
  • …Any career you want to pursue…. Lately a skill called Dyslexic Thinking is highly sought after by bigger companies to adjust after the  Covid economic disaster

With the right help in the right ways, dyslexia doesn’t have to stop you achieving your dreams, whatever they are, and the gift  will be the ultimate benefit!

I compiled this list of gifted traits after reading a great number of biographies of famous dyslexics. They all share the following in some way or the other:

  • Determination;
  • Resilience;
  • Dedication to their passion;
  • Ambition
  • God given instincts
  • Intuition
  • Going with the odds;
  • Hard work;
  • Live your dreams
  • Hold on to your dreams, no matter what.


Recently famous actor Michael Douglas learnt with relief (!) that his son has tested for dyslexia. Now they as parents know what to do. Watch this video.

Some food for thought:

If the rumours of a possible “cure” for dyslexia become a reality would we want it?  Would you like to live in a world without Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry,  Jurassic Park, the music of John Lennon, the discoveries of Edison, Harry Potter (JK Rowlings is dyslexic) and thousands more?

What I learned  from my dyslexia studies  and experiences  in helping a  number of young and adolescent dyslexics in my practice, is that I have immense respect for people with dyslexia;  I am at certain times somewhat jealous of their creative, holistic and survival abilities.

Jan Viljoen

Sept 2023

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