“The greatest gift for a human being is the passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, and it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination.”
(Elizabeth Hardwick, American literary critic, novelist, and short story writer in the early 1990’s.)

Dyslexia can and does prevent the pleasure of reading. However, do not despair. Dyslexia is not a disease or mental dysfunction. Dyslexics are not dumb, lazy or uncooperative. They think differently, in a way that the Western strategy of language teaching
 does not speak to the dyslexic mind. Fortunately, the effects of Dyslexia can be permanently made to go away. Permanently.
Contact Dyslexia Correction Intervention Practitioner, Jan Viljoen in Pretoria at 083 413 1428 or write to
Fluent reading does not necessarily mean to understand the MEANING of words and sentences. The same goes with spelling if a word has no meaning to the dyslexic reader – then correct spelling of that word on the long term is often impossible and meaningless.
Therefor it is not too farfetched to argue that  spelling tests are only good for those who can spell.
To fully understand the dyslexic dilemma, write or call me. 083 413 1428. I am a trained Dyslexia Correction Intervention Facilitator with 10 years of intensive experience in correcting the impact of dyslexia during studies and in life.  (Oh, I’m also a parent of dyslexics).
"My spelling makes people laugh but was lucky to have a teacher who focused on what was writing, not how was spelling it. That let me explore my creativity". Keira Knightley OBE' s
A learner with dyslexia often lives in an almost permanent state of confusion: reading words that, for them, do not have meaning. AND, “I know I am not stupid, but then why do I fail written tests?”
They are in urgent need of understanding. We can help them by learning more about dyslexia.
"The advantage of dyslexia is that my brain puts information in my head in a different way." Sir Richard Branson, entrepreneur, astronaut, author, and dyslexic.
Mense met disleksie interpreteer die betekenis van die gedrukte of geskrewe woorde meestal met visuele beelde (prentjie) in plaas van klanking (#phonics). Hulle is egter oor die algemeen #3-D-denkers, en sukkel om 2-dimensiele letters, woorde en prente op papier te verstaan. Met 3-D denke, wil hulle die objek waarna hulle kyk, van alle hoeke af bekyk, asof dit in die rondte draai. Dit kan ongelukkig nie met gedrukte 2-D letters en woorde gedoen word nie. Dis waarom hulle “b” en “d” so maklik kan omruil. Daar is egter baie meer #disleksie-kenmerke, veral as ons kyk watter effekte disleksie by hulle veroorsaak.

I often get the question ,when is the right time to give attention to a learner suspected to struggle with dyslexia? Before or after the exam, during holidays, or in the term?
The answer is: now. It is difficult for a learner with dyslexia to achieve academic success. The learner has to cope with disappointments, low self-esteem, high anxiety, confusion, and labels of being dumb, stupid, lazy, uncooperative, etc. Why should the struggle go on and on, if dyslexia can be corrected now? Make contact at, or call or WhatsApp Dyslexia  Correction Intervention Practitioner Jan Viljoen at 083 413 1428.
Why is Wednesday not Whensday?

To know a word, its meaning and why it is spelt in a certain way, it often helps if we look up the origin of the word.FEBRUARY :

February comes from the Latin word februa, which means “to cleanse.” The month was named after the Roman Februalia, which was a month-long festival of purification and atonement that took place this time of year.

WEDNESDAY: why not spelled Wensday?

As it turns out, Wednesday has Germanic linguistic origins. It is derived from the Old English word, Wōdnesdæg, which honours the Germanic god Wodan.

As Wōdnesdæg moved from Old English to Middle English, its spelling changed. It became “Wednesdei” and the “d” remained, even as the word morphed into “Wednesday.” Wednesday is just one example of words where letters appear in a word’s spelling but not in its pronunciation.