Your Dyslexia Correction Practitioner

Image15Jan Viljoen is a fully trained and experienced Dyslexia Correction intervention  Practitioner.

His youngest daughter, dyslexic and struggled with so-called ADD symptoms since Grade R,  has been  his  inspiration to become a  Dyslexia Correction Practitioner in South Africa, because :

  • She exposed Jan to firsthand experiences and tried to understand the then-complex meaning of DYSLEXIA and ADD, ADHD, DYSPRAXIA. DYSCALCULIA and preventing DISORIENTATION when reading.
  • For 10 years in school, she struggled to read and write, and her parents Jan and Lynn could not figure out the cause.  They only knew she was highly intelligent, with a huge general knowledge but it did not show in her academic achievements. She “survived” her best years on Ritalin, and attended a number of non-solutions to dyslexia. All of these cost a fortune, with no positive outcomes.  When she realised the amount of money spent on interventions for her, her remark was:  “stop wasting your money – accept that I am stupid/dumb”.
  • These words have inspired Jan to search worldwide for the best solution to correct her dyslexia and to get her safely through school without harming crutches like medications, therapies, appliances like coloured glasses and the like.
  • Jan went to the UK in 2013 to be trained in Dyslexia Correction methods and was licensed as a Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitator from 2014 till the end of 2022.  In 2014 Jan opened his full-time dyslexia correction practice.
  • Ten years of intense experience in successfully addressing dyslexia in Southern Africa and all the region’s languages and cultures led Jan to expand his training in the functioning of the brain and started to specialise in the new fields of Dyslexic Thinking, Design Thinking and Artificial intelligence.  Since January 2023 Jan became an independent Dyslexia Correction Intervention Practitioner.
  •  Apart from consulting persons (young and adults) with dyslexia, Jan is driving a dyslexia awareness programme for teachers and promoting private corporate dyslexia sensitivity among employers.
  • Jan has also qualified as a Neethling Brain Instruments Preference Practitioner and is affiliated with Kobus Neethling Institute, analysing the different quadrants of Left-Right brain thinking and performance, and closing the gap of misunderstanding between parent and dyslexic child and teacher.

Jan’s other formal academic qualifications are degrees:

B.A. (UJ), HONS (UJ)  M.A. (UNISA)

Dipl: Supporting Children with Difficulties in Reading and Writing, 2017  Univ of London, UK

Jan had spent most of his career life behind the broadcast microphone (SABC) as a professional Radio announcer/presenter, producer and script writer, as well as a Radio News Editor.  Jan has won a number of awards for microphone reportage.

Jan says:

 “My whole life has been centering on spoken and written words and reading as much as I can fit in into a normal day.  That is why I want to share that world of words with people who find it difficult to read or write.  The Intervention I present and support, provide us with the vehicles that will take us to that world.  Come with me on a journey of a lifetime  and let us together and easily  resolve this not so strange complex thing called Dyslexia, and let me show you the cool super talents of dyslexia)

Has your suspicion that your child (or even yourself!) are showing signs of dyslexia been proven correct?

Do not hesitate; contact me to start the process of correcting your child’s dyslexia. Relieve your child from a fear to read, constant spells of disorientation, let them experience letters of the alphabet that stand still and do not turn around.

Give them the opportunity to become masters of reading, writing and comprehension.