Does this feel/look familiar?

One of the aspects Jan Viljoen, Dyslexia Correction Intervention Practitioner, addresses in the Correction Interventions  is to replace dysfunctional “concentration” with relaxed meaningful “paying attention”. There is a big difference, and it’s often measurable in the level of headaches experienced by the dyslexic learner.
As most dyslexia learners think visually, they tend not to read words, but rather see the word’s meaning as a picture in their minds. As not all words have pictures associated with them, (like the /what / to/ by/ if/per/so/ etc.) the student tries his best to push beyond the “blank picture spaces” in a sentence to reach a state of some form of comprehension. They obey their teachers to “concentrate”, to “try harder”, to “give attention”. Their brains go into “overdrive”, and it may help them to read somewhat better, sometimes.

But their concentrated reading becomes unpleasant and painful, highly stressful because no one wants to make mistakes. They force themselves to think of nothing else, see or hear nothing else. These intense moments of (often) futile heavy concentration which we call “holding”, are experienced as life-threatening and create unavoidable anxiety, which results in headaches.

These types of headaches do not really improve with pain-killers and are usually absent during weekend and holidays. The Davis methods offered by this licensed Facilitator to master reading and eliminate the reasons causing dyslexia are extremely powerful and successful.

To learn more about how to bring an end to your child’s reading difficulties, I invite you to send me an email with your concerns about your child’s (possible) dyslexia, to

or call Jan at +27 83 413 1428

It will be a pleasure to give you guidance.

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