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Dyslexia Correction “library cards”

The vast majority of dyslexics are visual thinkers, reading not words, but the visual meaning (picture) of words. Dyslexia is the inability of a visual thinker to picture the accurate meaning of a large number of words, in any language. Imagine a visual meaning of “the, for, of, if, this, or, be, at, to, by…”, […]

Back-to-School, BUT NOT back-to-dyslexia

This time of each new year shops and advertisements bombards us with “Back to School” slogans.   Shelves in shops display all the tools a learner in a new  grade might need, pens, glue, notebooks, erasers, staplers, files and many more.  Then follows the first day at school, the new classroom(s) and the new  teacher(s).   Set, ready […]

Teachers urgently need dyslexia training

“It is the lack of teacher training that is the biggest barrier to literacy.” Shirley Cramer Honorary Board Member, Dyslexia International Co-editor, Learning Disabilities: Lifelong Issues   Dyslexia researchers worldwide agree that at least one in five of the population is dyslexic.[1]  So, we can safely assume in a class of 30 learners, on average […]


My child has been tested dyslexic – what now? We should never be so overwhelmed by the struggle to read, write and comprehend that we overlook the GIFT within the mind of each dyslexic individual. This GIFT is a thinking style giving them talents of boundless imagination, creativity, and invention. In fact, many of any culture’s […]

Dyslexia and Headaches

Does this feel/look familiar? One of the aspects Jan Viljoen, Dyslexia Correction Intervention Practitioner, addresses in the Correction Interventions  is to replace dysfunctional “concentration” with relaxed meaningful “paying attention”. There is a big difference, and it’s often measurable in the level of headaches experienced by the dyslexic learner. . As most dyslexia learners think visually, […]

Why do some Dyslexics still struggle with Math after their Dyslexia has been corrected?

30 May 2018 Life Concepts Crucial to Maths learning: William, as a dyslexic learner, has eliminated most of the reasons causing his dyslexia intervention programme with me last year. Within 6 months he was performing with ease on the required level of his grade. (William was tested on average 2 years below his age and grade.)  […]

Why is having Dyslexia called a Gift?

In a previous blog we talked about the good and the not so good of carrying the label of dyslexia.  For many it’s an insurmountable obstacle leading to serious learning difficulties, if untreated. At the same time it is a manifestation of an incredible talent, a special gift. Introducing my Dyslexic Hero: Henry Winkler: an […]

To label or not to label

Dyslexia is not a disease, and is not caused by a damaged brain. Although having dyslexia means that learning and performing based on reading and understanding may be difficult or even impossible , most dyslexics are blessed with a higher than average  intelligence, creative abilities and a dynamic  perceptual talent enhancing their performance in strategic […]